

*sigh* I am so weird today.. I am thinking about how to catch a fish in a pool where there is no fish.. I kept thinking and thinking... Finding for solution... Finding for a way... *laugh* And the conclusion was there is impossible to find a way... Unless you are so eager to catch a fish in THIS pool, then by hook or by crook, I am sure, everybody will know what to do...

Today, there is a friend of mine, telling me his problem about his love life. Should I say he is a coward, or maybe he is just so in love that he don't want to ruin the relationship with her beloved... Love is just so not fair.. Isn't it... You want it, but you were scare that the person you love might reject you, but if you don't go for it, then is a 'bye bye' too...

Whatever.. Love is just so not me, except my 'husbands' *laugh* For now, I want to think of my family, sisters and friends...

Love you, my dearest sisters, Black Catz and Cheryl... *hugs tight* >w<

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